Vaje za angleščino so odlična priložnost, da izboljšate svoje znanje slovnice in besedišča.
Which sentence is written in American English (AmE) and which in British English (BrE)?
1. My mom and I went to the city center to get some French fries for dinner.
2. My mum and I went to the city centre to get some chips for dinner.
Spelling differences
1. Some nouns that end in –tre in BrE end in –ter in AmE.
- BrE – centre, theatre, litre
- AmE – center, theater, liter
2. Some nouns that end in –our in BrE end in -or in AmE.
- BrE – colour, labour, flavour, humour, neighbour
- AmE – color, labor ,flavor, humor, neighbor
3. Some nouns that end in -ogue in BrE end in -og in AmE.
- BrE – catalogue, dialogue
- AmE – catalog, dialog
4. Verbs in BrE can be spelled with either -ize or -ise, whereas in AmE they are always spelled with -ize.
- BrE – aplogise, organise, recognise
- AmE – apologize, organize, recognize
5. In BrE final –l is doubled in stressed syllables.
- BrE – travelled, travelling, traveller
- AmE – traveled, traveling, traveler
6. BrE words that are spelled with the double vowels –ae or–oe are spelled with an –e in AmE.
- BrE – manoeuvre, paediatric
- AmE – maneuver, pediatric
7. Some nouns that end in -ence in BrE are spelled -ense in AmE.
- BrE – offence, licence
- AmE – offense, license
Different vocabulary
Many words are completely different.
BrE | AmE |
biscuits | cookies |
to queue | to wait in line/to line up |
petrol station | gas station |
pavement | sidewalk |
loo/lavatory/bathroom | restroom |
autumn | fall |
lorry | truck |
chips | French fries |
crisps | potato chips |
tube/underground | subway |
crossroads | intersection |
holiday | vacation |
lift | elevator |
motorway | freeway/highway |
post | |
single ticket | one-way ticket |
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