Angleščina – vaje je zbirka najpogostejših napak, ki jih delamo v angleščini. Poslovna angleščina zajema vrsto fraz in najbolje je, da si jih preprosto zapomnimo v stavku. Zbrali smo nekaj najpogostejših napak, ki jih Slovenci delamo v angleščini. Preverite, ali uporabljate pravi izraz.
Preverite, ali uporabljate prave poslovne izraze.
To discuss something/to discuss about
- We will discuss about this matter after you return from your business trip.
- We will discuss this matter after you return from your business trip.
At/on the meeting
- We covered a lot of important issues on the meeting yesterday.
- We covered a lot of important issues at the meeting yesterday.
That versus those
- We had to go over that problems last week.
- We had to go over those problems last week.
Another versus other
- You can’t get this service at another banks.
- You can’t get this service at other banks.
A good offer
- This is very good offer.
- This is a very good offer.
Such a problems versus such a problem
- We dealt with such a problems five years ago.
- We dealt with such problems five years ago.
Could have told
- You could have told me before.
- You could told me before.
Must versus had to
- Last week we must sent an email regarding interest rates to all corporate customers.
- Last week we had to send an email regarding interest rates to all corporate customers.
Information or informations
- Thank you for sending us all the necessary information about your current account.
- Thank you for sending us all the necessary informations about your current account.
Potrebuje vaša angleščina še več utrjevanja? Več vaj je dostopnih tukaj.
Angleščina – vaje za samozavestnejše izražanje
Angleščina – vaje nam pomagajo do suverenega izražanja v angleščini.
Imate vprašanja o tečaju angleščine, vas zanima več?
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