Katera oblika je pravilna?
Primer 1:
- This beautiful vintage lamp was made in ancient Greece.
- This beautiful antique lamp was made in ancient Greece.
- This beautiful retro lamp was made in ancient Greece.
Primer 2:
- He bought a vintage car for half a million dollars, the 1926 Bentley Speed Six Tourer.
- He bought an antique car for half a million dollars, the 1926 Bentley Speed Six Tourer.
- He bought an retro car for half a million dollars, the 1926 Bentley Speed Six Tourer.
Primer 3:
- It’s a well-built modern house with a bit of a vintage look to it.
- It’s a well-built modern house with a bit of a antique look to it.
- It’s a well-built modern house with a bit of a retro look to it.
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